Company Traceability Platform

The company traceability platform PTS can assist companies and governments to build product traceability systems in short period which is based on modern information technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing, assign items with traceability marks, one object, one code, and one object and multiple codes to achieve five major applications.


Quality Traceability

Product quality tracing is by giving products unique identification and monitoring on PTS:

• Identification data: data collection, transmission, and aggregation;

• Entire industrial chain: raw materials, production, warehousing, logistics, channels, sales, and related management;

• Data: uploading information at various stages to the data platform to form a complete full lifecycle traceability;

• Data sharing: consumers, governments, and companies;

• Realize: trace the quality control status of products throughout the production process, enabling sources to be traced, traceable, and accountable.

Digital anti-counterfeiting

Digital anti-counterfeiting refers to the comprehensive use of automatic identification technology and wireless communication network technology on the basis of unique code for each item, with unique identification automatic identification (barcode, QR code\Data Matrix, RFID, etc.) as the information carrier for each product tracking, collecting, summarizing, inquiring, managing, etc. of the information, establishing a commodity information management data link and the entire circulation process supervision system, scanning the code easily through the humidity software installed in the mobile terminal, you can easily query in real time Commodity information, effectively identify the true and false, build a "firewall" to prevent counterfeit and shoddy.

Digital anti-channeling

Digital anti-channeling refers to the code management of the smallest sales unit of the company's products in the various links of the product out of the warehouse and the distribution channel on the basis of unique code for each item, combined with the logistics management system and wireless communication network technology. Load sales area and other information, and scan the code to track the code on the product, monitor the product circulation, realize the interconnection of product information between manufacturers, distributors, and consumers, and monitor the phenomenon of channeling goods in real time. It's like ‘installing a camera at a traffic intersection’.

Digital marketing

By giving each product a separate QR code, building an online communication and interaction scenario between the company and consumers, and constructing a big data analysis system, it provides real and reliable data support and information reference for the company decision-making layer to formulate a new business strategy. Companies through various forms of innovative marketing methods such as QR code red envelopes, membership points, card coupons, gift redemption, etc., to increase product sales, improve consumer buying experience, enhance the stickiness between companies and consumers, and achieve precise and digital marketing.

IoT internal control

Based on the IoT traceability code, through layer-by-layer code inspection technology, real-time data collection is carried out on the entire life cycle of the product, so that the product can be visualized throughout the process; at the same time, the purchase, production, cost, inventory, distribution, logistics, finance, etc. Manage and track all links to achieve information sharing, provide data support for business operation decisions, improve business efficiency, and build a digital smart factory.

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